Does Your Child Need an Orthodontist? - Freehold Orthodontics
  • Does Your Child Need an Orthodontist?

    Does your child need an orthodontist? This is a common question parents ask. Children should visit the orthodontist by the age of seven, according to the American Association of Orthodontists. During the visit, the orthodontist will look for subtle problems and determine if early orthodontic treatment is needed.

    While all children should have an appointment by the age of seven, there are some other signs to look for, as well. Learn the common signs that your child needs to visit an orthodontist.

    Mouth Breathing — Does Your Child Need an Orthodontist?

    Most children breathe through mouths from time to time. However, it is a sign of a problem if your child almost exclusively breathes through his or her mouth. Your child might have difficulty closing his or her mouth comfortably, so a trip to the orthodontist is in order.

    Trouble Chewing or Speaking

    Speaking and chewing are both very important. If you noticed your child has trouble with one or both, it’s time to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist. Your child likely has an orthodontic issue that needs to be corrected.

    Overbite — Does Your Child Need an Orthodontist?

    Overbites are not just cosmetic issues. The protruding teeth can get chipped or knocked out. Visit an orthodontist, so your son or daughter can receive treatment for the overbite. Early treatment can protect the teeth and also boost your child’s self-esteem.

    Gaps or Crowded Teeth

    Gaps or crowding can lead to some serious oral issues. Your child could have trouble biting and chewing and might have a lisp. Early intervention can fix these alignment issues.

    Thumb Sucking — Does Your Child Need an Orthodontist?

    Thumb sucking is normal for children under the age of four. Once kids turn four, parents should help them break the habit. However, some children continue to suck their thumbs well past the age of four. Thumb sucking affects the teeth, so this can become an issue. If your son or daughter is still sucking his or her thumb after turning 4, visit the orthodontist for an evaluation.

    Does Your Child Need an Orthodontist? Schedule a Consultation Today

    Dr. Nebblett and the team at Freehold Orthodontics are experts in orthodontia. We are happy to answer any questions pertaining to Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, braces, and clear braces in Marlboro, NJ, 07726, and the surrounding areas. If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nebblett, please contact Freehold Orthodontics at (732) 462-0700 or visit