What Liquids Can You Drink With Invisalign? - Freehold Orthodontics
  • What Liquids Can You Drink With Invisalign?

    People often wonder what they can drink with Invisalign tray aligners. The short answer is plain water. But, Invisalign® is removable, and when you take the trays out to drink, there are no limits. However, there are some cautions about different drinks and the care you need to keep your teeth clean and healthy during treatment.

    Water Is a Crucial Part of Oral Health

    Water is integral to our survival as humans. A human may be able to live for one to three months without food. However, they would expire in one to three DAYS without water, although some people may last as long as a week.

    Water comprises more than 60 percent of an adult body. We are constantly expelling water from our bodies through sweat, breath, and other bodily functions. Those losses require replenishment. Drinking plain water will help you maintain hydration indoors, outside, hot, cold, active, or passive.

    Many people have symptoms of moderate dehydration daily. We are so accustomed to these that it has become our norm, but you should be drinking more water if you have the following early symptoms:

    • Restlessness
    • Irritability
    • Dry mouth and tongue
    • Feeling of thirst
    • Sunken eyes
    • Less frequent expulsion of liquids

    Staying hydrated is crucial. People experiencing severe dehydration may be lethargic, have a weak pulse, and have low blood pressure. Their mouth may be parched, and they may even become unconscious. Simply drinking water can prevent the potentially life-threatening condition of severe dehydration.

    Keeping your mouth hydrated, especially during orthodontic treatment, is integral to the success of your treatment. Proper hydration helps us maintain a healthy supply of saliva in our mouths. Saliva serves as the body’s rinse cycle for oral hygiene. When we eat, food particles remain in the mouth. As we salivate and swallow, many of the particles rinse away. We can also use plain water to accelerate the rinse cycle and increase hydration.

    Drinking with Your Aligners Inserted

    The only liquid you should drink with Invisalign is plain water. Liquids may seep into the trays, although the trays fit snugly against your teeth. If you drink a soda while wearing your trays, the sweet, acidy liquid will be inside your trays, putting your teeth on a fast track to decay.

    If you drink anything besides plain water, remove your trays and place them in their case until you finish. Always try to rinse your trays under running water before placing them in the case to reduce bacteria. Rinse your mouth thoroughly before reinserting your trays once you finish your coffee, soda, chocolate milk, or other beverages.

    Using a Straw

    Sometimes it might be inconvenient to remove your tray aligners. If that happens, and you can, use a straw for drinking beverages other than water. Although not an ideal situation, the straw moves the liquid to the back of your mouth.

    After you drink with Invisalign, you will still need to remove your aligners as soon as possible to brush the trays and your teeth, but using a straw can limit the amount of liquid that reaches the inside of your trays.

    Drinking Without Your Aligners

    When you remove your aligners, you may consume any beverage you desire. We do offer some advice, though:

    • Limit sugary and acidic drinks (soda and citrus waters)
    • Be mindful of staining with coffee, tea, some juices, and wine
    • Always rinse with plain water before reinserting your trays

    No matter your taste in beverages, you should always follow it with plain water. Although brushing immediately after drinking isn’t recommended, rinsing always is. Brushing should be accomplished about 15 to 30 minutes after drinking acidic drinks. You should also run a brush around your aligner trays several times daily.

    Rinsing Is a Key Element When You Drink with Invisalign

    We have been stressing rinsing with plain water several times already. In our opinion, this can never be stated enough. Many of us are semi-addicted to bottled water. However, tap water with fluoride is better for your teeth. The gentle fluoride in municipal water sources is regulated to keep our teeth healthy and strong. When you only consume bottled water, you lose that benefit.

    Whitening Teeth After Invisalign Treatment

    Many people opt to have whitening treatments once they complete Invisalign treatment. If you decide that you want to brighten your smile, talk to our doctors. Several over-the-counter whitening kits may deliver varied results. You want to avoid using a product that may cause more damage than good. Your doctor will be able to offer you the best advice about what products to use and which ones to avoid.

    Caring for Your Teeth During Invisalign Treatment

    Caring for your teeth during Invisalign treatment is essential. Because the trays fit so snugly, they can also create a fertile ground for bacteria growth. To avoid that, we offer the following tips:

    • Drink plenty of water
    • Brush your teeth several times daily with a non-abrasive toothpaste
    • When you can’t brush — rinse
    • Don’t neglect to floss — at least once daily

    If your trays have an odor, you aren’t keeping your mouth clean enough. Bad breath or a sour taste in your mouth means you should concentrate on better oral hygiene. If your mouth feels parched, drink more water.

    Caring for Your Aligner Trays

    You will be switching tray sets approximately every two weeks, but that doesn’t mean you can neglect your trays. They require daily care, just like your teeth, to keep them fresh and clean.

    • Rinse your aligners every time you remove them
    • Brush your trays with a soft-bristle brush under running water when you can
    • Once daily, brush your aligners with a drop of dish soap or a small dab of non-abrasive toothpaste
    • Soak your aligners daily in a cleaning solution (we recommend doing this while you shower)

    Keeping your aligner trays clean will keep your teeth healthier. Remember, water is the only thing that you should drink with Invisalign. If you forget that you are wearing your aligners, remember to rinse thoroughly and clean your teeth and trays as soon as you can afterward.

    Ready to Transform Your Smile?

    The entire team at Freehold Orthodontics is ready to guide you on the journey of transforming your smile. If you are prepared to begin, schedule your free consultation to find out how Invisalign treatment can fit into your busy schedule. Find out the difference with Freehold Orthodontics. We are a family practice that treats all patients with compassion and respect. You are never “just a number” or another file folder at Freehold!