Freehold Pediatric Orthodontist - Freehold Orthodontics
  • Freehold Pediatric Orthodontist

    Orthodontics (also known as braces) is probably the most requested form of treatment nowadays. Everybody wants a more beautiful smile, and braces could give you just that. Orthodontics is the art and science of aligning and arranging teeth in the arch. If your teeth are crooked, crowded, spaced or otherwise mal-aligned, you could definitely benefit from braces.

    But there is always a nagging question when it comes to braces .. When should I get them?

    There is no single answer for that question. Everybody can get braces to fix their smiles, even adults. Braces will move your teeth to the desired position regardless of your age; However, it is far easier to get braces during childhood than adulthood.

    Why are braces easier in childhood?

    • Appearance:
      Let’s face it, braces are quite embarrassing. When you are a kid, it is quite possible that all you friends and classmates have braces too, which means a lower chance of feeling embarrassed by their looks. Now imagine you walking into your boss’ office with a full metal mouth!
    • Faster treatment:
      during childhood, and especially during the period of the growth spurt (between 12 and 16 years of age), the jaw bones are malleable, which means that braces will move your teeth much faster compared to adult bones which are very hard. This in turn means the treatment time is shortened significantly.
    • No limitations:
      The same principle applies here. The malleable child bones have no limits of movement, so more complex cases could be treated with less invasive approaches. For example, if your upper jaw is larger than the lower, braces alone could solve that if you are below 18 years of age. After that age, surgery will probably be needed.
    • Higher compliance:
      Adults have busier lives, and therefore less likely to follow the orthodontist’s instructions. This will delay the treatment and result in a prolonged treatment period. Children are the opposite. It is far easier to teach a child a certain habit or exercise needed to move the teeth than doing that for adults

    If I live in NJ, where can I find a Freehold pediatric orthodontist?

    Pediatric teeth (otherwise known as baby teeth) are quite different from adult teeth in their structure and function. In addition, we have to consider the normal pattern of teeth falling out and new ones coming in for accurate treatment results. So essentially, Orthodontics and pediatric dentistry go hand in hand. Most orthodontists have good knowledge about children’s teeth and growth patterns, and could apply these principles during their treatment, yielding faster and more accurate results. You can find an incredible array of specialists, including a Freehold pediatric orthodontist when you visit Freehold Orthodontics.

    Dr. Natalie Nebblett, Dr. Seth Margulies and the team at Freehold Orthodontics are experts in pediatric orthodontics. If you have any questions pertaining to Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, braces and clear braces in the Freehold NJ area or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Natalie Nebblett and Dr. Seth Margulies contact Freehold Orthodontics at: (732) 462-0700